Salmon fish

        Salmon area unit anadromous fish - they board the ocean however reproduce in water (in a stream or lake). they're superb fish that board water throughout their adolescence, mature in salt water, so come to water to breed (and then die). Some salmon (sockeye and chinooks) travel up to 1000 miles (1,600 km) upstream so as to spawn.
salomon salmon fish

Life Cycle:
Reproduction: Salmon live most of their life within the ocean, however after they area unit mature and prepared to breed, they enter water to spawn (reproduce), traveling to a stream or lake high in gas. the feminine digs a nest within the gravel (called a redd) along with her tail. She then pushes her thousands of eggs into the nest and also the male milks the eggs, fertilizing them. Most salmon die once spawning.                    
 life cycle of the salmon

The Eggs Hatch and Grow: The newly-emerged salmon (called alevins) still have a food sac hooked up to them. once the food sac is employed up, the salmon fry emerges from the nest - and should realize food (like insects) for the primary time. because the fry matures, it becomes invisible  (with parr marks) and is named parr . once it becomes silver-colored, it'll be referred to as a smolt. once growing for a jiffy, the smolts swim downstream to the ocean.

Adapting to Salt Water: once smolt reach the body of water (where the watercourse meets the sea), a method begins during which their body changes, permitting them to presently board salt water (this is named smoltification).

Maturing puzzled, then Returning Home: The salmon lives within the ocean till maturity (1 to seven years, betting on the species); some migrate thousands of miles within the ocean. They then come to the place wherever they hatched and continue the cycle. nobody is aware of however salmon come home -perhaps they bear in mind the distinctive set of smells on the method. On their journey home, they are doing not wear away all, they usually modification color, their muscles soften, and that they can die presently once spawning.

Anatomy: Salmons have silvery skin with noticed back and fins. the most important salmon is that the chinook, that weighs up to one hundred twenty pounds (55 kg).

Diet: Salmon area unit carnivores (flesh eaters) - they eat fish (like herring and pilchard), squid, and crustaceans (like shrimp).

Predators: Salmon area unit preyed upon by several animals, as well as bears, people, several birds (like walking birds and kingfishers), and different fish. for each 8000 eggs made, 4500 alevin survive, from that 650 fry survive, from that two hundred parr survive, from that fifty smolt survive, from that solely a pair of spawning adults survive (who turn out thousands of eggs).

Classification: Animalia, Chordata, class (bony fish), family Salmonidae (salmon, trout, and char), Salmo|Salmo|genus Salmo|fish genus} (Atlantic salmon - salmo suggests that jumper) and Genus Oncorhynchus (Pacific salmon - five species; Oncorhynchus suggests that "hooked snout").

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